Hello Everyone ~~ I finally got the pictures on that I couldn't the other
day- my lovely Princetown family where I spent a week and enjoyed
it very much. By the way, my son John kept my garden alive for me
for which I am very grateful as it has been so hot. One day it was over
40C which is about 105 F. It was cooler down south and nearer the
coast. Has been much too hot for me since I came home.
GSs Nick and Joh, Joh's girlfriend and my son-in-law Arien.
Front row - Granddaughters Kristen and Jorja and my daughter Kathy.
Merle, Kathy and Arien.
Joh and Stevie brought me home as they live further north than Shepparton,
just over the border into New South Wales.
I found a nice article in the Mountain Wings e mails that I get, and
would like to share it with you.
My Wish For You.
I was puzzled what to write for the first issue of the 10s. You know
2010. Somehow I didn't want to say the cliche :Have a Happy and
Prosperous New Year." Then my friend Bob sent me an email for my
birthday which is New Year's Eve. He said exactly what I want to say
to you. Here it is:
What could I possibly wish for you?
GOOD HEALTH? You take care of yourself in every way physically and
WEALTH? You work hard for everything and the things that really count
in life make you a man of enormous wealth.
HAPPINESS? I believe you could find happiness in anything and at the same
time nothing at all.
LOVE? You are surrounded by love because you surround everyone in
your life with love.
PEACE? Maybe that's it. From what I know of you, you have peace in
your heart, but are forever wanting to do more for more people in
more ways.
Yes, I wish you PEACE. Peace in knowing that you do all you humanly
can because you know you can do anything with God's help.
That's what I wish for you.
Excuses for Missing Work.
~ I can't come to work today, because I'll be stalking my previous boss
who fired me for not showing up at work. Okay?
~ I have a rare case of 48 hour projectile leprosy, but I know we have
that deadline to meet . . . .
~ I am stuck in the blood pressure machine down at the Food Giant.
~ I just found out I was switched at birth. Legally, I shouldn't come to
work knowing my employee records may now contain false information.
~The dog ate my car keys. We're going to hitch-hike to the vet.
~ I prefer to remain an enigma.
~ I can't come to work today because the EPA has determined that my
house is completely surrounded by wetlands and I have to arrange
helicopter transportation.
~ I am extremely sensitive to a rise in the innterest rate.
~ I've used up all my sick days . . .so I'm calling in dead.
My friends Ian and Sherrill sent me the next one. Thank you.
Training courses are now available for Women on the following subjects:
Topic 1. Silence, the final frontier: Where no woman has gone before.
Topic 2. The Undiscovered side to Banking: Making Deposits.
Topic 3. Parties: Going without new Outfits.
Topic 4. Bathroom Etiquette: Men need space in bathroom cabinets too.
Topic 5. Communication skills 1 : Tears - the last resort, not the first.
Topic 6. Communication skills 2 : Getting what you want without Nagging.
Topic 7. Driving a car safely: A skill you CAN acquire.
Topic 8. Telephone skills : How to hang up.
Topic 9. Advanced Parking : Backing into a space.
Topic 10. Cooking skill: How not to inflict your diets on other people.
Topic 11. Classic Footwear: Wearing shoes you already have.
Topic 12. Oil and Petrol: Your Car needs both.
Evening Classes for men starting this month. Note -due to the complexity
and level of difficulty of their contents, each course will accept only a
maximum of eight participants each.
Topic 1. How to fill ice cube trays: Step by step with slide instructions.
Eopic 2. Toilet paper rolls: do they grow on the holders?
Round table discussion.
Topic 3. Differences between the laundry basket and the floor.
Pictures and explanatory graphics.
Topic 4. The after dinner dishes and silverware: can they levitate and
fly into the kitchen sink? Examples on video.
Topic 5. Loss of identity: losing control of the TV remote . . .
Helpline and support groups.
Topiic 6. Learning how to find things, start with looking in the right
place instead of turning the house upside down while
screaming. Open Forum.
Topic 7. Health watch: bringing her flowers is not harmful to your
health. Graphics and Audio tape.
Topic 8. Real men ask for directions when lost. Real life testimonials.
Topic 9. Is it genetically impossible to sit quietly as she parallel parks?
Driving stimulation.
Topic 10. Learning to live: basic differences between mother and wife.
Online class and role playing.
Topic 11. How to be the ideal shopping companion. Relaxation exercises,
meditation and breathing techniques.
Topic 12. How to fight cerebral atrophy: remembering birthdays and
anniversaries, other important dates and calling when you are
going to be late. Cerebral shock therapy sessions and full
lobotomies offered !!
Not really a joke from my cousin David. Thanks for this one.
Maintain your Perspective.
All these examples do NOT imply that petrol is cheap: it just
illstrates how outrageous some prices are.
The last one might shock the socks off you.
Think petrol is expensive?
This makes you think, and puts things into perspective.
Can of Red Bull, 250 mls $2.95 . . . $11.80 per litre.
Robitussin cough mixture 200 ml. $9.95.... $49.75 per litre.
L'Oreal Revitalift Day cream, 50 ml..$29.95 . . . .$599,00 per litre.
Bundy Rum, 1250 ml $51.00. . . . . $40.80 per litre.
Visene Eye-drops, 15 ml, $5.69. . . . $379.00 per litre.
Britney Spears Fantasy Perfume 50 ml $29.00 . . . $580.00 per litre.
And this is the real kicker.
Evian water, 375 ml, $2.95 . . .$7.86 per litre.
$7.86 for a litre of WATER and the buyers don't even know the source.
(Evian spelled backwards is NAIVE !!)
Ever wondered why computer printers are so cheap? So they can hook
you for the ink.
Someone calculated the cost of the ink at, you won't believe it, but
it's true . . . .$1040 a litre.
$1040.00 a Litre !!!
So next time you're at the pump, be glad your car doesn't run on water,
Red Bull, Robitussin, L'Oreal or God forbid, Printer Ink !!!
On the first morning after the honeymoon a young husband arose and
went downstairs to the kitchen and took breakfast up to his bride.
"There what do you think of that?"
She gazed at the tea, the bacon and eggs, the toast and marmalade
all nicely set out on the tray, and said, "Why that's wonderful."
"Yes," he replied, " and that's how I want it every morning."
Well, folks I have to close now and get myself to bed. I hope
all is well with you and your loved ones. No hangovers from
too much celebrating the New Year's arrival?
My love and best wishes to you all. Cheers, Merle.
Post 653 ~ ~ ~ Friday, 1st January, 2010,
Happy New Year to you and yours Merle. I must say hearing of your temperatures and seeing your family dressed in summer clothes makes me think I am living in the wrong part of the world. Winter here is cold,damp, windy,rainy,snowy and icy and I am really tired of it all. I want SPRING!!!
On the other hand I think I'd melt if it was 105!!
Thanks again for the jokes.
Love & Hugs my friend.
Oh Dear Merle! I think I should rightly attend some of those courses, but then so could Pete. Hahaha.
From those comparison prices with petrol it looks as though it would be better if we stayed unhealthy.
Happy Birthday for the other day and Happy New Year friend. I am glad you enjoyed the season with your loving family:)
I really mean that, it sounded like a very happy time ending last year when you were off for the holidays visiting the family! You have a good looking family too, I am glad your pictures went on. I'll bet the Gympie elf who fixes your computer and blog did some magic.
Have you ever been stuck in the blood pressure machine? That is sheer panic. You are always afraid that someone will rip you out to 'help' you.
I should have read your current post before I got married. All unmarried men should and remember it.
Mrs. Jim asked me what I wanted for breakfast the day after our honeymoon. I said no thanks I only ate granola bars and would just do that.
Now when I asked for breakfast she says I had my chance when I said I didn't eat breakfast a long time ago.
Forgot to tell you, but those Ausie firework shows were great yesterday. We see them in the news here.
Boy 105, whew. we don't get that hot in Michigan. Very lovely pictures and so clear, you do have a nice looking family. Happy belated B/D., What a wonderful wish for you, he is especially right about the peace, you do more for all of us by posting your wonderful jokes, information and your very nice pictures and just being you. Very funny jokes and stories. Have a nice day, take care and be safe and thank you for coming by.
105 degrees. We could use a little of that warmth here in TN. It was 12 degrees this morning and the next four days will be more of the same. Cold front from the north has invaded. Great photos of the family. I need to remember the email from David the next time I fill up the silver bullet. So happy John kept your garden alive for you. Peace
You have such a fantastic looking family - thanks for sharing the beautiful photos! :)
And I can't get over the fact that you have temps so hot and here we are freezing with well below zero temperatures. Brrrr....
Happy New Year my friend.
Hi Merle, lovely photos, you will find if you resize them down to about 800 x 600 in Pixresizer they will load a lot quicker and will enbiggen to a better size on your blog.
BTW are you doing your weekly "maintenance" on the emails???
Happy New Years Merle!!
Great post for the first one of the year *S*
Loved the "mens and women's" classes! *LOL*
Happy Birthday Merle!!! And what a New Years gift to your mama!! Bless your heart, I hope you had a wonderful birthday...Christmas...and New Year!! Lots of people are celebrating your special day with you!
Again..Happy Birthday Sweet Merle!
Hugs and Kisses,
You have a lovely looking family, Merle. Lovely photographs.
That comparison per litre with petrol...it certainly puts things in perspective.
I hope you had a lovely New Year, Merle and all the best for you in 2010.
Thanks for sharing the photos. Your grandson Joh certainly resembles his Father. And that a wonderful photo of all of you, including Mom/Grandmother. So nice you had your visit with them.
Myself I think I would remove the comment by Anonymous, it could be spam and since it's not in English it could even be something worse. LOL
Have a good evening. Wish we had a little of your warm weather here right now.
The photos are so beautiful. Thank you very much for sharing them with us, Merle =)
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