Post 703 ~ ~ ~ Saturday, 18th September, 2010.
Here we are again my friends ~~ I hope all is well with you
and your families and I hope life is good for you. My life has
improved somewhat this week. I was assessed by an Age
Assessment Lady who found I had no sign of Alzheimers, or
any other major defect of significance. She recommended I
remain in my home for the time being at least.I had thoughts
of moving into residential care but can manage quite well
for now. The test was very thorough, so coming through it
smiling was very good.
The first item tonight was sent by my dear friend Patty and
it is called "And Then it is Winter". Thank you Patty.
You know, time has a way of moving quickly and catching
you unaware of the passing years.
It seems just yesterday that I was young, just married and
embarking on my new life with my mate. And yet it seems
like eons ago, and I wonder where all the years went.
I know I lived them all.
And I have glimpses of how it was back then and of all my
hopes and dreams . . . But here it is, the winter of my life
and it catches me by surprise . . .How did I get here so fast?
Where did the years go and where did my youth go?
I remember well , , , seeing older people through the years
and thinking that those older people were years away from me
and that winter was so far off that I could not fathom it or
imagine what it would be like . . . But, here it is . . . my friends
are retired and getting gray . . . Not like the ones that I
remember who were young and vibrant... but like me, their age
is beginning to show and we are now those older folks that we
used to see and never thought we'd be.
Each day now, I find that just getting a shower is a real target
for the day. And taking a nap is not a treat anymore . . . it's
mandatory. Cause if I don't on my own free will, I just fall
asleep where I sit.
And so, now I enter into this new season of my life unprepared
for all the aches and pains and the loss of strength and ability
to go and do the things that I wish I had done but never did.
But at least I know that though winter has come, and I'm not
sure how long it will last . . .this I know, when it's over, . . .
it's over . . .Yes I have regrets. There are things I wish I hadn't
done . . . .things I should have done, but indeed, there are
many things I'm happy to have done. It's all in a lifetime.
And, if you're not in your winter yet . . . let me remind you that
it will be here faster than you think. So whatever you would like
to accomplish in your life, please do it quickly. Don't put things
off too long.
Life goes by quickly .. So do what you can today, as you never
can be sure whether this is your winter or not.
You have no promise that you will see all the seasons of your
life . . .so, live for good today and say all the things that you
want your loved ones to remember , , ,
and hope that they appreciate and love you for all the things
you have done for them in all the years past!!
"Life is a gift to you. The way you live your life is your gift to
those who come after. Make it a fantastic one."
A Mountain Wings joke - Kissing a Nun.
A taxi cab driver got a call to pick up someone from the
airport. When he got there, he was surprised to see a nun
waiting for the taxi. As she climbed into the car she gave
the driver the address, the driver noticed how beautiful she
was. As he drove on, he kept looking into his rear-view
mirror at her. The nun couldn't help but notice him looking
at her. Finally, the cab driver said, "You know Sister, I think
you are really quite beautiful."
"Well, thank you," she answered.
The driver went on,"I've always had a fantasy of kissing a nun."
"Really?" she asked. "Well then pull over." The driver did so.
Then the nun asked him a few questions. "Are you married?"
"No" said the driver. "Are you Catholic?" "Yes" said the man.
"Well all right then," she said and stepped out of the car and
gave him a big kiss on the lips.
The driver felt so ashamed that he decided to tell her the
truth. "Sister, I have to tell you the truth: I AM married and
I'm NOT a Catholic."
Put the coffee down Dave!!!
"That's okay," smiled the nun. My name's Henry and I'm going
to a Halloween party."
Morals of the story:
1. Don't kiss other women if you are married.
2. Don't lie.
3. Don't look and stare if you shouldn't touch.
4. Keep your fantasies to yourself.
5. With many people, what is behind them catches up with
them, because they can't stop thinking about the past.
6. If you kiss a frog, it is still a frog.
7. Sharpen your discernment.
Next two jokes from my Canberra friend Linda. Nice to have
a friend in Canberra. First An Irish Love Story.Thanks Linda.
An elderly man lay dying in his bed. While suffering the
agonies of impending death, he suddenly smelled the aroma
of his favourite scones wafting up the stairs.
He gathered his remaining strength, and lifted himself from
the bed. Leaning on the wall, he slowly made his way out of
the bedroom and with even greater effort, gripping the railing
with both hands, he crawled downstairs.
With laboured breath, he leaned against the door frame, gazing
into the kitchen. Were it not for death's agony, he would have
thought himself in heaven already, for there, spread out on the
table were literally hundreds of his favourite scones.
Was it heaven? Or was it one final act of love from his devoted
Irish wife of sixty years, seeing to it that he left this world a
happy man?
Mustering one great final effort, he threw himself towards the
table landing on his knees in rumpled posture.
His aged and withered hand trembled towards a scone at the
edge of the table. when it was suddenly smacked by his wife
with a wooden spoon....
"P**s off" she said, "They're for the funeral."
Last one tonight. Thanks Linda. I called it "Boots."
A lady went into a bar in San Antonio and saw a cowboy
with his boots propped up on the table. He had the
biggest boots she had ever seen. The woman asked the
cowboy if it's true what they say about men with big feet.
The cowboy grinned and said, " Shore is, little lady. Why don't
you come on out to the bunkhouse and let me prove it to you."
The woman wanted to find out for herself, so she spent the
night with him. The next morning, she handed him a $100 bill.
Blushing, he said, "Well, thankee Ma'am. Ah'm real flattered.
Ain't nobody ever paid for my services before. - Coffee Dave.
The woman replied, "Don't be flattered . . take the money and
buy yourself some boots that fit."
Well, that is it for tonight folks. I hope you enjoyed a smile
or two. And also enjoyed the Winter story too. Take great
care of yourselves and each other. My love and best wishes
to you all. Cheers, Merle.
Post 703 ~ ~ ~ Saturday, 18th September, 2010.
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Merle, I'm so pleased to learn that you are in excellent health. At our advanced maturity, we have to keep on our toes and do things that will keep us that way.
I loved "Then it is Winter". I find myself thinking along those lines more frequently lately. I know I must have a lot more good years left, but....
The jokes did bring a laugh. I had seen the scones one before but it is still funny.
Take good care of yourself.
Hi Merle that is such good news, I would hate to think of you in a home.
Merle, I'm so glad you passed your tests with flying colors! That's wonderful news.
I'm sorry I haven't been around much. My brother's health has occupied my thoughts, and I just haven't been up to much blogging. Please forgive me.
I know I can always count on you for a laugh..The Irish Love Story gave me a good chuckle.
Blessings to you, dear one!
LOL, loved the cowboy joke. Buy himself some boots that fit. LOL
Hi Merle, glad to hear your assessment results were good, I told you we had more visits left in us yet.
Very good news on the assessments. The story is so very true and the jokes were great. Thanks for making us smile. Peace
Hey Grandma.
glad you got a good result on your test. :)
hope everything else is going good.
cheers Bec
Your posts always put a smile on my face. About those cowboy boots, I live in Arizona, and there's lots of cowboys wearing boots to large ;0) !
Love the two jokes from Canberra, Merle. Glad to hear you haven't got Alzheimer's! So you can stay in your own home...that's nice for you.
Take care.
Hi Merle ~~ I am glad you passed your age assessment test. I wish we had them here. They should have been in our new health and medical care legislation but it wouldn't work. So many people would be afraid they would do poorly that wouldn't be in the bill.
Liked your funeral scone joke. I don't remember ever saying 'no' to a scone and tea or coffee.
Back where I missed your 86,400 seconds in a day story was really good.
Then last time the 'origins of saying' was great!
Have a nice day. I think the water around there has gone down by now. We have some flooding in Corpus Christi from the hurricane that went into Mexico. Flooding is not fun.
*ROTFL* Great jokes Merle... and thanks for the warnings!
Great to hear you're still doing well too... *S*
Hi Merle,
Just catching up with you.
I'm so happy to know you are still doing well and are able to keep your own place.
Enjoyed the jokes as always!!
I am glad you are A okay in health, that is something at our age to get a clean bill of health. Time has a way of moving on and us trying to figure out what we did with all those years, now we are in the winter of our life. That nun one was good and the moral was right. I enjoyed your post as usual. Have a nice week and I am glad your health is good.
(Merle, posted this at my poem blog but want to be sure you read it - so am putting it here, also)
Hi Merle,
Sorry- didn't mean to worry any of my friends here with the poem. It's not personal, (or at least not recent times)but of life in general. Seems like anything that touches us in life-stays with us and come back in memories, whether it's of our own life experiences or of ones we care about!
Merle, I was happy to know you are doing well, at least for now- and can keep your own place. I know you enjoy your home and having family visit you there!
Some days I feel like winter is approaching too quickly for me too. Wendy and I are taking advantage of a long weekend to visit our son in Washington DC. But I don't know how much walking Wendy can do there with her bum knee.
That's great that they say you can stay in your home and that you're doing so well. I know my grandfather was less than your age when he was shampooing his hair with mouthwash. His mind was quick to go.
Loved your jokes as always.
I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.
God Bless You ~Ron
Hi Merle,
Thanks for visiting me again. I hope you have a lovely time with your grandchildren and youngest daughter today. Stay blessed.
Lots of Love,
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