Hi Everyone ~~ I hope the world is treating
you right, and the weather is pleasant and
your lives are happy and enjoyable. I am
fine, but have a busy day tomorrow, as I have
to have an x ray in the morning and am getting
my hair permed after lunch ~ badly needed.
Today I cooked some corned beef and tons of
vegetables, so now for a break from cooking.
These breaks don't seem to last all that long.
August tomorrow, where does the time go?
Not a very good photo of my new bird feeder, showing flowers
that are inside it.
This is the bird hotel in the back yard and I put seed in it twice
a day, so I am not starving the birdlife. A lot of magpies have
been around lately and I love their singing, my blackbirds, but
too many pigeons and sparrows.
I have a poem by Linda Ellis called One More Day. Hope you
enjoy it.
This day, this precious, wonderful gift has been bestowed
upon me free!
And whatever I choose to do with it remains entirely up to me.
I could squander these given hours, treat each task as if it's
a chore.
And mark this day off my calendar like so many times before.
I could overlook the blooming flowers and ignore the sun's
warm light.
Before it inevitably sets again, turning my gift of day to night.
I could dwell upon mistakes I've made and cry regretful tears
And live my life in shadow of my own anxieties and fears.
Or I could make a resolution, before one more day has passed,
That I shall live it to its fullest, live it . . .as if it were my last.
Then I shall, as I awaken, relinquish my fret and my sorrow
And accept one more day to love and laugh with no guarantee
of tomorrow.
At night, as I down my head only to wake again, I'll pray,
And if I do, then I'll thank God for giving me "One More Day."
The theme of gratitude and appreciation for every day
reflects old but important wisdom like this from an
unknown author. "Yesterday is a dream. Tomorrow is a vision.
But today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of
happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope."
Now for some jokes ~ ~ ~
First one from my friend Barbara. Thank you.
Good Morning !!
My face in the mirror
isn't wrinkled or drawn,
My house isn't dirty . .
The cobwebs have gone.
My garden looks lovely
And so does my lawn.
I think I might never
Put My glasses back on.
Three from Sue and Bob ~ ~ ~Thanks guys!!
Aliens are coming to abduct all the good looking
and sexy people.
Dear Friends,
I just read an article on the dangers of heavy drinking. . .
Scar the s**t out of me.
So that's it!!
After today,
No more reading!!!
Why do men usually die first ?
This is a question that has gone unanswered for centuries,
but now we know. It requires a bit of explanation, first :
If you put a woman on a pedestal and try to protect her
from the rat race. . .you're a male chauvinist. If you stay
home and do the housework . . . you're a pansy.
If you work too hard . . .there's never any time for her.
If you don't work enough. . .you're a good for nothing bum.
If she has a boring repetitive job with low pay . . . this is
exploitation. If you have a boring repetitive job with low
pay. . .you should get off your lazy behind and find some-
thing better.
If you get a promotion ahead of her . . .that is favoritism.
If she gets a job ahead of you . . it's equal opportunity.
If you mention how nice she looks . . .it's sexual harassment.
If you keep quiet . . . it's male indifference.
If you cry . . .you're a wimp. If you don't, you're
If you make a decision without consulting her , , ,you're a
chauvinist. If she makes a decision without consulting you,
. . . .she is a liberated woman.
If you ask her to do something she doesn't enjoy . . .that's
domination. If SHE asks you. . .it's a favour.
If you appreciate the female form and frilly underwear . . .
you're a pervert. If you don't . . .you're gay.
If you like a woman to shave her legs and keep in shape . . .
you're sexist. If you don't . . .you're unromantic.
If you try to keep in shape. . .you're vain. If you don't
. . .you're a slob.
If you buy her flowers . . .you're after something.
If you don't . . .you're not thoughtful.
If you're proud of your achievements . . .you're full
of yourself. If you don't . . .you're not ambitious.
If she has a headache . . .she's tired. If you have a
headache . . .you don't love her anymore.
If you want it too often . . .you're oversexed . . .if you
don't . . .there must be someone else.
So why do men die first??
Because they b****y want to.
My cousin sent me this one ~~Thanks Bill.
A newly discovered chapter in the Book of Genesis
has provided the answer to where do pets come from?
Adam and Eve said, "Lord, when we were in the garden,
you walked with us every day. Now we do not see you
any more. We are lonesome here, and it is difficult for
us to remember how much you love us."
And God said, "I will create a companion for you, that
will be with you and who will be a reflection of my love
for you, so that you will love me even when you cannot
see me. Regardless of how selfish or childish or unlovable
you may be, this new companion will accept you as you
are and will love you as I do, in spite of yourselves."
And God created a new animal to be a companion for
Adam and Eve. And it was a good animal.
And God was pleased.
And the new animal was pleased to be with Adam and Eve
and he wagged his tail.
And Adam said, "Lord, I have already named all the animals
in the Kingdom and I cannot think of a name for this new one.
And God said, "I have created this new animal to be a reflection
of my love for you, his name will be a reflection of my own
name, and you will call him DOG."
And Dog lived with Adam and Eve and was a companion to them
and loved them.
And they were comforted.
And God was pleased.
And Dog was content and wagged his tail.
After a while, it came to pass that an angel came to the Lord and
said, "Lord, Adam and Eve have become filled with pride.
They strut and preen like peacocks and they believe they are
worthy of adoration. Dog has indeed taught them that they are
loved, but perhaps too well."
And God said, " I will create a companion who will be with them
and who will see them as they are. The companion will remind
them of their limitations, so they will know that they are not
always worthy of adoration.
And God created CAT to be a companion to Adam and Eve.
And Cat would not obey them. And when Adam and Eve gazed
into Cat's eyes, they were reminded that they were not the
supreme beings.
And Adam and Eve learned humility
And they were greatly improved.
And God was pleased
And Dog was happy.
And Cat didn't give a s**t one way or the other.
My friend and neighbor, Lorraine sent this one.
I was having trouble with my computer. So I
called Eric, the 11 year old next door, whose
bedroom looks like Mission Control, to come
over. Eric clicked a couple of buttons and
solved the problem.
As he was walking away, I called after him, "So what
was wrong?"
He replied, It was an ID ten T error."
I didn't want to appear stupid, but- none-the-less
inquired, An ID ten T error, What's that? In case I
need to fix it again.?"
Eric grinned . . ."Haven't you heard of an ID ten T
error before?" "No," I replied.
Write it down," he said," and I think you'll figure it out."
So I wrote down IDIOT.
I used to like Eric.
Henrietta (talking on the phone) : "Can I speak to
someone in the mail order department?"
Voice on the phone : "Speaking."
Henrietta : "Oh, I'd like to order one. About thirty
to thirty-five, fairly tall, reasonably well off, and who
likes animals."
Well, folks It's time to call it a day. I hope you find
something to interest you or amuse you. Take care
of yourselves and each other. Keep on smiling.
Love and best wishes to you all. Cheers, Merle.
Post 489 ~ ~ ~ Thursday, 31st July, 2008.
LOL...I liked the one about the ID ten T error. I always call my 16 year old friend to help me when I mess up and don't know how to do something. I imagine she feels that way too sometimes.;)) but she's kind and never says so...
I like your bird feeders, especially the "hotel" - all the comforts. :) I've been seeing a hummingbird in my garden visiting some zinnias - that seems odd to me for some reason. ec
The first thing I did when I came back from my Art summer school was going to the hairdresser ! It also was badly needed, lol !
Hi Merle...yep, it's August. Already. But that's good for me here...that's one month closer to the end of hurricane season. LOL
LOVE your bird hotel and bird bath combination. You put seed out two times a day? Wow. The birds must love you!!!
That alien abduction of the cute/sexy people and the 'good bye' email cracked me up.
Have a glorious weekend.
Hi Merle -- I know the reason why men die first, it is because they are older (in general). I see it all around all the time!
Where has the day gone? Did you know July has left us also? It was just yesterday we were getting ready for our Nebraska-Colorado travel things.
Call it a month, and Cheers,
Thank you for the jokes.
I needed a smile today.
Bear((( )))
... I can't believe I ever suspected those birdies were real. Maybe my glasses needed a good wipe-down that day!!
ps have a charming weekend, Merle. It's Friday eve chez moi and ... yeah about 6am Saturday morn your end
dur!! it's circa 5 to 4 as I now plainly see...
As you no doubt know , your blog are very very beauteous and authentic,thanks for the nice words on my bolg. I wish you all the best
Those were neat gifts. I sure do like the fairy with solar light. Hope the x-ray comes out okay. Also, glad the cooking is over for awhile. I cook every day so to get a day off is a Blessing.
Lol at the one Bill sent. But I like cat and dogs jokes. Peace
That’s a lovely bird feeder, Merle. You remind me that it has been ages since I have tasted corned beef!
Gday dear Merle, Hope you get good results from xray, and I bet your hair looks lovely...Lovely close up pics of the feeder and hotel//
Good Jokes The 11 year old got me tonight.Take care dear Merle,Love Janxxxx
Hello Merle. I hope the x-ray came out ok.
Your jokes are extra excellent today. I copied and sent several to family and friends.
You sure have a way of finding good ones!
I need to get off this computer and go make some soup. It's a cloudy, cool day and I think a big pot of Veggie beef with barley sounds just right!
Love, hugs & Prayers
Oh, Merle, I just love your 'bird hotel' as I have never seen anything like that before! So neat for the birds to eat and take their bath at your place!!! I put up a feeder, no birds came, so a month or two later, I took it down. Strange!
As usual, I loved your jokes!!! You always make me smile! Thank you! I loved the one about the aliens coming to get all the good looking, sexy people! LOL
Hope you're having a great weekend!
(((((( HUGS ))))))
Dearest Merle
How was the x-ray on Friday?
Take care.
Hi Merle,
I finally made it back to see the picture of your solar fairy. It looks very nice. I also like your bird feeder too.
I didn't know Olive died? Wasn't she the worlds oldest blogger? She will be missed.
Take care,
Dear Merle,
I hope the result of the x-ray was good.
I love the new bird feeder, and your older one is very nice. In the winter, I put out bird feed several times a day as well, but in the summer, usually once a day, as the birds have an abundant food source. I do refill the humming bird feeders every day with nectar.
One More Day is a beautiful poem and so very important to be mindful of. Every new day is a gift! Good Morning is funny! It sure fits in my case! LOL.
The newly discovered chapter in the Book of Genesis explains it all about cats. LOL. But we love them as much as our dogs.
Dear Merle, I enjoyed all the jokes, as always, and know a boy like Eric. LOL.
I am glad things are going well for you. It's very hot in my corner of the planet, but it's August, and we're heading towards fall. I bet you're looking forward to spring.
Take care of yourself, dear Merle. See you again soon.
Merle ~ Thanks for the recent post on my blog. The granddaugters were thrilled with OUR DAY! But if you asked Mrs. LZ if I am brave or just stupid... I think I know what she'd say! :-) I hope all is well? ~ jb///
It's frightening to believe it's August already, isn't it, Merle? Soon be Christmas, God help us!
I think your little bluebird hanger is lovely...and we have a bird feeder as well. I adore blackbirds, their song is beautiful but we don't have them here.
Have a good week.
Merle, I changed my glot to read "Adi has a sister now, the newest member of our family."
Adi is helping us to train her, yesterday when she ran off a ways down the golf course, Adi brought her back.
Thank you for asking,
Hi Dear Merle.
Great post,I enjoyed "One More Day"
Loved the bird hotel,and feeder it's not only the birds that eat
well at your house.
Stay Well Merle see you soon
Love Gwen xx
Just popping over to see if you have any results back from your tests the other day. [Guess maybe you'll hear later in the following week?]
Hope the results are positive results. In other words, GOOD news!!
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