Hello Everyone ~~ I hope all is well with you.
I had a lovely time with Jeanette, Pauline and
Gwen yesterday. We talked and laughed and
looked through a book I have made of some of
my blogger friends. I have the photos below.

that was very memorable for her.

Jan and myself with her Birthday Cake.
I seem to have lost the photo of Pauline and Gwen - so
will post that next time.
First joke tonight was in my local paper.
It is called Leather and Relationships.
Three women: one engaged, one married and one a
mistress are chatting about their relationships and
decide to amaze their men.....that night all three will
wear a leather bodice, S &M style, stilettos and a
mask over their eyes.
A few days later they meet again.
The engaged girlfriend said: "The other night, when
my boyfriend came back home, he found me in the
leather bodice, 4" stilettos and a mask. He said,
"You are the woman of my life, I love you. . . .then
we made love all night long."
The mistress stated : "Oh. yes. The other night we
met in the office. I was wearing the leather bodice,
mega stilettos, a mask over my eyes and a raincoat.
When I opened the rain-coat, he didn't say a word.
We made passionate love all night."
The married one then said : "The other night I sent
the kids to my mother's for the night. I got myself
ready, leather bodice, super stilettos and a mask
over my eyes. My husband came in from work,
grabbed the TV controller, (remote) and a beer, and
said, "Hey Batman, what's for dinner?"
A few Money Quotes.
Early to bed and early to rise -- till you get enough
money to do otherwise. ~ ~ ~Peter's Almanac.
The only reason to have money is to tell any
SOB in the world to go to hell.~~Humphrey Bogart.
Christmas is the season when people run out of money
before they run out of friends. ~ ~ Larry Wilde.
The surest way to get rid of a bore is to lend him
money. ~ ~ Paul Louis Courier.
Strange and Unusual Facts.
Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you
up in the morning.
Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button.
A pack a day smoker will lose approximately two teeth
every year.
When you sneeze, all bodily functions stop . . . even
your heart. That is why people said, "God bless you" after
a sneeze.
People don't get sick, from cold weather; it's from being
indoors a lot more.
Babies are born without knee caps. They don't appear
until they are 2-6 years old.
The average person over fifty will have spent 5 years
waiting in lines.
The toothbrush was invented in 1498.
Your feet are bigger in the afternoon than the rest of
the day.
Prince Charles and Prince William NEVER travel on
the same airplane just in case there is a crash.
Humphery Bogart and Princess Diana were seventh
Personality can open doors, but only character can
keep them open. ~ ~ Elmer G. Letterman.
Only 7% of the population are lefties.
My husband thinks that an IQ test is a lot of people
being asked difficult questions while they stand in
line outside an optician's.
Members of the Jury, have you reached your verdict?
Yes, we have, your honor. We find the gorgeously
sexy woman who stole the jewellery, Not Guilty.
The much married actor told his new girlfriend
that she shouldn't believe all the tales about his bad
habits -- they were just old wives' tales.
Every time he reminisces about his past achievements
I am constantly amazed. It seems the older he gets,
the better he used to be.
What do you call a Japanese piano that keeps telling jokes?
A Yamaha--ha.
Well time to say Goodnight folks. Take good care of each
other and yourselves. Give someone a smile who doesn't
have one. Love and Best Wishes to you all.
Cheers, Merle.
Post 498 ~ ~ Thursday, 21st August, 2008.
LOL Love the three women having lunch. Nice you were able to spend time with your friends and celebrate her birthday.
I'm dropping in to say hello and see what you're up to. I'm glad you had such a nice time for Jeanette's birthday.
Thanks for the giggles...
*HUGS* my dear friend!
Hi Merle,
Stopped by to see what you have been up to, and found out you have been up to partying with the girls. It is so nice when you can get together with friends and giggle like teen-agers again;))
I enjoyed all your 'quotes and things,' some were funny and some were even funnier..After all it is very important that we know that Alfred Hitchcock 'didn't have a belly button~~~Hee, hee...
I hope you have a nice week-end and have a lot of fun as well...
Enjoy the weekend! Thanks for the jokes!
What a nice photo of you and Jan. You're looking mighty chipper Merle. I hope you're feeling well sweetie. Sounds like you had a very nice visit. It's always nice when you can share a birthday with a friend. Take care my friend...Love, Joy
Hi Dear Merle.
Firstly I would like to say a big
thank you.
Our visit to your place where we
celerbrated Jan's B/Day together.
Once again I enjoyed your jokes,
but best of all was seeing you again.
Yes, I know my feet are bigger in the afternoon when I go shopping for shoes!
I went over to Jen's to wish her happy birthday...she doesn't look 69. I hope I look as good as she does when I'm 69!
Have a lovely weekend, Merle.
I'm glad you had a wonderful day Merle! Sounds like your friends stopping over was a great thing for making you smile! *S*
Have a wonderful weekend.
Spending special times with friends is priceless.
Loved the jokes...as usual.
Good Morning Merle!
It's so nice to meet you! Jen talks about you all the time, what a wonderful surprise you are :).
Have a wonderful day!
Kathi :)
Dear Merle,
Thank you once again for for the lovely day and by celebrating my birthday by giving me a lovely cake and gift. ..
A good day was had by all.:-)
Love Janxxx..
Dearest Merle
You had a very fabulous time with your friends yesterday =)
I didn't know that fact about babies being born without knee-caps.
They say you learn something new each day so I guess that fact is my new one for the day.
Bear((( )))
Glad you had a good time with Jen. Loved the jokes, especially "batman". I am one of the 7% in the world!
What a lovely photo of you and Jen. She is a young looking 60 something and it must be all that bowling.
I bet Batman when Kaboom. lol
I sneeze alot with allergies so I best watch it.
My BIL is a lefty and so are his two children.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Hi Merle,
I liked the joke relationships and leather. It gave me a good laugh.
Take care,
My wife's left-handed. I didn't realize she was such a rare bird. Though I'm a rightie, there are a few things I do left-handed. Shoot pool, for one.
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