Hello My Friends ~ ~ Is all well at your place? I hope so, as it is here, a little hectic but
all will work out in time. My good friend Lorraine came yesterday and wrapped most of my
Christmas gifts. A big help to me, and she says she enjoys that sort of thing.
My son John took me shopping on Saturday for a few extras, Thanks John.
My son Geoff and his wife Joanne will be coming up from Melbourne to visit. Geoff plans to weed my garden and then put a lot of mulch down, to try to combat them. Thanks Geoff.
I have had quite a few Cherry tomatos, but that is all. My Romas are growing and then getting a bug in them. Another bush is just starting to look like fruiting. I think I need a
couple more plants. I will pull the Roma one out. Had a few strawberries but not a lot.
My good friend Deborah Wilson gave me a lovely Butterfly award recently - And now I have to pass it on to 10 bloggers. Here are the rules :
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.
3. Nominate 10 other blogs.
4. Add links to their blogs.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of your nominees.
6. Give a reason why you consider their blogs cool

Lady Jan
Bear Naked
I hope you all enjoy this pretty award.

This Christmas Spirit Award was kindly passed on to me by Hootin' Anni. Thank you, my friend.
Here are the rules of this award.
You must be a true Christmas lover to receive this award. You must link back to who gave you the award.
You must list 5 things that you love about Christmas.
Pass it on to however many you like, but to at least one person to keep the Christmas cheer going. Let the recipients know you have tagged them.
Five things I love about Christmas.
1. The lovely cards, messages and phone calls from family and friends, some only once a
year. And to hear how their year has been.
2. The joy and surprise on faces (young and old) on Christmas morning.
3. My daughter, Kathy travels 5 hours to collect me before and brings me home after, so
I get to spend Christmas day with her family, husband Ard and 5 kids. We have done
this for many years, since her kids were very young. It means a total of 20 hours
driving for her. Maybe her 21 year old daughter, Kate will do it one way this year.
4. The delicious food, all the more enjoyable because of the company.
5. The general good feelings between most people who are like-minded. People just seem
friendlier and happier around Christmas time.
I will give this Christmas Spirit award to my dear friend Pea. Hope you enjoy Carole.
Anyone else who would like it, please take it and post why you love Christmas.
A small poem called "HUGS." I found this in a magazine, contributed by May Donovan.
I don't know if she was the author.
It's wondrous what a hug can do
A hug can cheer you when you're blue.
A hug can say I love you so or
I hate to see you go.
A hug is welcome back again.
And great to see you, where've been
A hug can soothe a small child's pain
And bring a rainbow after rain.
The hug, there's just no doubt about it
We scarcely could survive without it
A hug delights and warms and charms
It must be why God gave us arms.
Hugs are great for fathers and mothers
Sweet for sisters, swell for brothers.
And chances are some favorite aunts
Love them more than potted plants.
Kittens crave them, puppies love them
Heads of State are not above them.
A hug can break the language barrier
And make the dullest day seem merrier.
No need to fret about the store of 'em
The more you give, the more there are of 'em
So stretch those arms without delay
And give someone a hug today.
Now for some funnies ~ ~ ~ from the same magazine - a recipe.
Our favorite fruit cake.
1 cup water i teaspn salt
1 cup Sugar 1 cup brown sugar
4 large eggs Lemon juice
2 cups dried fruit 1 bottle of whiskey
1 teaspn baking soda.
Sample the whiskey to check for quality. Take a large bowl. Check the whiskey again. To be sure it is of the highest quality, pour 1 level cup and drink.
Turn on the electric mixer, beat 1 cup butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add 1 teaspn sugar and beat again. Make sure the whiskey is still OK
Cry another tup.
Turn off the mixerer. Break 2 leggs and add to bowl. Then chuck in the cup of dried fruit. Mix on the turner. If the dried fruit gets stuck in the beaterers, pry it loose with a screwdriver. Sample the whiskey to check for tonsisicity.
Next sift 2 cups of salt, or something. Who cares? Check the whiskey. Now sift the lemon juice and strain the nuts. Add a teaspn sugar or something. Whatever you can find.
Grease the oven. Turn the cake tin to 350 F/ Don't forget to beat off the turner. Throw the cake tin out the window, check the whiskey again and go to bed. (Sweet dreams.)
A short one from my friend Linda May. Thank you Linda.
Man driving down the road
Woman driving up the same rooad.
They pass each other.
The woman yells out the window, "PIG."
Man yells back "BITCH."
Man rounds the next curve.
Crashes into a huge pig in the middle of the road and dies.
Thought for the day : If only men would listen. . . .
A few from local paper. Kids thoughts about the Sea.
If you are surrounded by sea, you are an island.f you don't have sea
all around you, you are incontinent. Wayne age 7.
I like mermaids. They are beautiful and I like their shiny tails. And how on earth do mermaids get pregnant? Like really? Helen age 6.
An octopus has eight testicles. Kelly age 6.
Oysters ball are called pearls. James age 6.
Some Las Vegas Trivia - - - again from the paper.
Las Vegas means "the meadows" in Spanish.
In Nevada, there are more than 209,000 slot machines normally operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Las Vegas has the highest numbers of unlisted phone numbers of any U.S. city.
More than 110.000 marriage licenses are issued in Las Vegas each year.
Elvis and Priscilla were married at the original Aladdin hotel.
Frank Sinatra was the first Vegas headliner to earn $100,000 a week.
A blonde is screaming down the highway at 180 km/h in her convertible, when a police car pulls her up. The traffic cop is also a blonde, tells the driver she was doing 80 km/h over the limit, and demands to see her licence.
The chastised driver rummages around in her huge handbag for a while and then she explains that she knows it's in there, but she can't find it because she doesn't know what it looks like.
The cop rolls her eyes, and explains that it's sort of square and contains the driver's photo. After further rummaging the blonde surfaces with a compact mirror, sees her face and decides this must be it.
She hands it to the traffic cop who takes a look at it, frowns, hands it back and says, "Oh sorry. I'd never have pulled you up ifI'd realised you were a police officer.
A woman goes to her doctor and she's wearing these big clumsy head-phones. In order to precede with the appointment the doctor must take off the headphones. So he asks her to take them off. She says, "I can't do that. I will die."
The doctor is getting frustrated and says, "Don't be silly, now please take off your headphones" "But I can't. I will die." Finally the doctor
gets so irritated that he snags the headphones off of her.
Sure enough her face turns blue, she becomes cold and dies.
The doctor is astonished. He picks up the headphones and puts them on. All he hears is a recorded voice saying, "Breathe in, breathe out,
Breathe in, Breathe out."
I reckon she must have been a blonde also. What do you say Jim?
It was mealtime during a business class flight on QANTAS.
"Would you like dinner?" the pretty female flight attendant asked
John, seated in front.
"What are my choices?" John asked.
"Yes or No," she replied.
A man was in a car driving along when his boss rang and said, "You
have been promoted." The man swerved, And then he rang a second time and said, "You've been promoted again." Again he swerved.
He rang up a third time and said "You're Managing Director."
And he went into a tree. A policeman came up and said, "What happened to you?"
The man said, "I've been careered off the road."
Sorry this has got a bit long. Thanks for the ones who stayed with me. I hope you found something you enjoyed. Take care of your
loved ones and yourselves. I hope this week will be a great one for you. My love and best wishes to you all. Cheers, Merle.
Post 547 ~ ~ ~ Monday, 15th December, 2008.
Great jokes as always - love the children's observations about the sea!!!
Thanks for the lovely award - I will post it on my blog as soon as I get around to posting, tonight or tomorrow.
Great post as always Merle!
Glad you got all your Christmas wrapping done.. I still have to do mine.
I've often wondered how I'd feel about having Christmas in the summertime.... just plain sounds strange to me.. *chuckling*
Glad to know things are going well with you and yours.
I envy the fact that you can garden. It's too cold here right now. In fact, we expect more snow today.
The jokes were quite funny.
Thanks for sharing.
Wish you lived closer, Merle...we'd make a couple of those fruitcakes!!! LOL Loved that one!!!
And I thank you for the lovely butterfly awward and you wrote in your comment to take the other one, too. I thank you now until I can thank you more formally in my next post. I won't put them on my sidebar until I can do a post on them.
You're having summer, and now we are having our winter. It sounds like you're getting your garden underway very nicely! Sons do come in handy when we need a man's help, don't they? I have a big project planned for mine one weekend when Spring arrives here.
Well, I have been up all night and all day yesterday...my eyelids are getting very heavy!
Enjoy your summer now and think of us in our winter....
Love and ((((((HUGS ))))))
Thank you so much for the butterfly award.
Of course I will post in on my sidebar with a link back to you.
How nice that you have someone to wrap your gifts for you.
Do you think she would come to Canada and do mine?
Bear((( )))
Hi Merle,
Too bad about your romas, but at least its early and you can plant another.
I like the head phone job, my daughter laughed when I read it to her and said that was someone who didn't deserve to leave.
Take care,
Dearest Merle,
Hello my friend, I'm finally taking the time to leave a comment! lol It's been such a busy couple of weeks but now that I'm all set for the holidays, I can sit down and do what I enjoy most, visiting all my dear blogging friends:-)
Congratulations on receiving the well deserved awards, dear friend, and thank you so much for passing the Christmas Spirit Award to me! I'm deeply touched that you thought of me...I do so love Christmas:-) I so enjoyed reading your 5 things you love about Christmas...I agree with you, people just seem happier and friendlier around this time of year. Wish it lasted all year long:-)
Such a fun assortment of jokes again, they always make me laugh:-)
Take care of yourself dear Merle and enjoy this wonderful time of the year! xoxo
Congratulations on the awards, Merle. They are well deserved.
Wow, Kathy drives five hours each way...what a wonderful daughter. No wonder you enjoy Christmas. Peter's Christmas is a little bit clouded due to Vicki's health. Not good at all.
Take care. Hugs.
Hi Merle. What are the Romas you talk about? It seems to me that bugs get in to everything and spoil it one way or another. I hope you manage to get those weeds under control. Bob.
Merry Christmas Merle !
Great jokes.I like 'fruitcake' 'blonde cop',well about ALL of them I guess.
I love getting a couple of good healthy bushes of Roma's growing and producing.They keep so well too.
Number 5 is my favorite sentiment.
People do seem to get so much nicer at Christmas time.
Thanks for putting a smile on my face, Merle!
Hi Merle, what a wonderful visit. I love coming over here, kicking off my shoes, putting my feet up and feeling warm and fuzzy with your warmth and love. :o)
Or of course, it may have been the hug poem! :o)
Good on Lorraine for helping you with the wrapping. Could she call over and help me? :o)
Congrats on the award Merle!
Take care, hugs
Hi Dear Merle. Congrats on all your lovely awards well deserved...It was lovely of Lorraine to come wrap your christmas gifts. i think you better send her my way..Im only buying the littlies presents this year and giving the rest money..its to hard to shop for the older ones..
as for your Roma,s its earwigs eating the plants, I went to nursery they sold me a container of pest dust for earwigs cant remember name, ill go out to the shed tomorrow and look.. now there flowering and looking healthy.. Great Jokes as usuall. ill try do a post tomorrow. ive been to Melbourne,and back then pennant and a couple of xmas parties.. im just so tired im off to bed..Take great care Love Janxxx
Even tho I don't drink, for some reason I found the fruitcake recipe hilarious! And the question about mermaids - can't deny I've wondered that myself! I used to like to play like I was a mermaid with merbabies...but I wasn't much more than a baby myself then!
Hi Merle,
sorry again that I have taken so long to acknowledge the award, but thank you - it is very pretty. I'll post a pic of it on my blog, but as you know, I don't go any further than that!
Best wishes for a very happy Christmas, and don't drink too much ;-)
Congratulations on your awards! I see my granddaughter Peanut Butter Bound is now following you! She made a good choice!
I enjoy wrapping presents too =)
It's so nice of your friend to help you, Merle.
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